Keystone School is a private co-ed school in the heart of Toronto. Keystone provides small classes, a supportive, family-like environment with a project-based approach, preparing students to become well-rounded individuals.

We see teaching and learning as a journey, where students are active participants who grow and develop both academically and socially. Students are actively engaged in their learning process through projects, events and activities that connect education with real life.

Keystone students are provided with learning opportunities that help them improve their 21st-century skills and ensure that they can thrive in a world where change is constant. Students become internationally-minded inquirers and thinkers, who ask questions and seek their own answers from both local and global perspectives. By nurturing students’ natural curiosity, we foster a love for learning.

Keystone Students in class

Inquiry-based Program

Inquiry based program promotes the development of higher-order thinking skills by capitalizing on children’s natural curiosity, their innate sense of wonder and awe, and their desire to make sense of their environment.

Keystone student in class

Flexibility & Focus

Keystone is a semestered school. Classes are 80-minute blocks. Students are able to concentrate on fewer courses at a time, resulting in less stress and more time to focus on their courses. Students get individual help and support from teachers.

high school girls hanging out

Holistic Approach

In our holistic education, students are encouraged to explore their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. We emphasize values, character development, and emotional intelligence alongside academic excellence.


Teacher Student Ratio


Average student per class


University acceptance rate

2024-2025 School Year – Limited Space Available

Please contact us to schedule a meeting with our admissions coordinator.

kids hanging out at school