We’ve listed the successful online learning strategies tips for you to get the best out of your online learning experience.

We cannot leave out the factor that online learning has many benefits. We know that everyone learns in different ways, as each person processes and understands information differently. No matter what type of learner you are there is one factor that influences our learning process and it applies to all.

Researchers have explored the influence of our physical environments on the learning process. These studies have shown that physical surroundings have a strong impact on the way we learn. That means our surroundings can have a positive influence on the effectiveness of our learning process. That includes light, space, ambient temperature, smells, sounds, etc.

The advantage of online learning is: You are in control of your own environment. Yet, what should the environment be like after all? The three basic conditions of an effective learning space are Solitude, Comfort, and Focus.


Finding a quiet place in your house is the best choice to study for a test, review your notes or write an essay. Consider using a single room in the house for studying which is preferably quiet. In addition, you can make your own bedroom the “perfect place”, like choosing a specific corner where you can remove distractions and be comfortable. The perfect place can also be found outside of your house, like a library or even a coffee shop. You can make this a routine, where you always come back to the same place at the same time for studies purposes.


Feeling uncomfortable is definitely a big no-no as it can be highly distracting. You won’t be able to focus on your reading if your shoes hurt you or you are feeling hungry. Dressing in comfortable clothes is crucial, as is eating and considering even the temperature of the environment. Being comfortable is important as we should dedicate our senses to studies at that time.


As you can see, the focus is the aim. Everything we’ve discussed so far is the most effective way to aim for it, such as solitude and comfort. Organization skills and time management will help you stay on track, set aside time at the start of each day to clean and organize. Visual clutter floods our brains with unnecessary information leading to difficulty concentrating. We also suggest the use of an agenda where you can organize your calendar for both short and long-term goals and tasks.

Now that you have learned about how to execute successful online learning strategies, click here to learn more about Keystone Online Programs.

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