Hello and welcome back to week #3 of Keystone’s weekly wellness blog! As it is my last official week of the semester, this will be the last blog post of the year. Don’t fret though, I’ll be back with more starting the first week of school in January 2024 (2024?!).

As we move towards the winter break, what better topic for me to cover than self-care? We’ll be discussing some of the different ways in which you can implement self-care in your daily life and there’s no better time to practice these acts than in our downtime! Take these example activities with you into the break and see how you can prioritize them. Without any further ado… let’s get into it.

What is self-care? Why does it matter?

Some people when they think of self-care think of super luxurious pampering; maybe we think of putting on a face mask or maybe a fancy day at the spa. Although those are lovely self-care practices, there is so much more to it than that! True self-care isn’t a selfish practice, it goes beyond surface-level indulgence and occasional treats; self-care is a vital practice that nourishes all parts of you (physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual), and ultimately creates habits that promote balance (callback to last week) and resilience in your everyday life. Life moves around A LOT, but self-care is your anchor. When you take the time to look after yourself, you become a pro at handling any curve balls that come your way. So give yourself some good ol’ TLC – it’s not selfish, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either, it is ESSENTIAL!


Although self-care can be applied to any subcategory of life, I’ll go over 5 “main” categories to incorporate self-care and give some examples of each to get you started.

Physical Self-Care

Physical self-care is so important for your overall well-being as it directly affects your body’s health and energy. Taking care of your physical health through exercise, adequate sleep, proper nutrition and hydration boosts energy levels, strengthens your immune system, improves mood and reduces stress. Physical self-care is in no way focused on appearance, instead, it focuses on giving your body the right care to feel strong, balanced and ready to take on anything.

  • Go out on a walk or jog

Bring a buddy, music, podcast or audiobook to make it more fun.

  • Follow along a simple body weight/stretching/yoga YouTube video

There’s tons of “at home” workout, stretching or yoga tutorials you can follow along with on YouTube.

  • Self-administered massage

Using a foam roller, tennis ball or your hands, massage sore areas or focus on high tension areas like the neck, shoulders, jaw and head.

  • Warm bath/shower

Melt the stress of the day away with a warm bath or shower. Light a candle and play some music to let your body relax.

  • DIY spa day

Set aside time for a simple DIY spa day at home. Use a face mask, trim and/or paint your nails, or take extra time in your skincare routine.

  • Posture check-ins

Throughout the day, take some moments to check your posture. Sit or stand up straight, roll your shoulders back, and relax your neck to avoid tension.

  • Proper hydration and nutrition

Set reminders throughout the day to ensure you’re drinking enough water and getting all the nutrients you need throughout the day.

Emotional Self-Care

Taking care of your emotions is just as important as taking care of your body. It’s about paying attention to how you feel inside and finding ways to make those feelings better. Whether it’s talking to someone you trust, doing things that make you smile, or simply taking a breather when things get tough, emotional self-care helps you feel stronger and more in control.

  • Journalling

Spend a few minutes in your day to write down your thoughts, feelings, things you’re grateful for or things you’re looking forward to. It helps clarify emotions and reduce stress. Talk about whatever you want in it!

  • Practice positive affirmations

Practice positive self-talk by repeating affirmations such as “I am strong,” “I am capable,” or “I am enough” to boost self-esteem. You may feel silly doing it at first, but research shows it’s effective. Bonus points if you do it in front of a mirror.

  • Breathing exercises

Try out some simple breathing exercises, such as square breathing, belly breathing, 4-7-8 breathing and so on to relax and de-stress. A number of different exercises can be followed along on YouTube.

  • Play music

Listen to some of your favourite uplifting music throughout the day or in moments you’re starting to feel not your best.

  • Dance break

When you’re in need of an energy boost, put on those fav tunes and just dance! When we dance, a bunch of feel-good chemicals get released into the brain. You get to feel good and look great doing it!

Mental (Psychological) Self-Care

Mental self-care is about keeping your thoughts clear and focused. While emotional self-care focuses on feelings and how we handle them, mental self-care involves exercises to sharpen your mind—like learning new things, solving puzzles, or even taking a break from your screens. It’s like giving your brain a healthy boost to stay sharp and resilient when handling challenges.

  • Reading

Engage in books, articles, or stories that interest you. Reading can be an escape and a way to relax the mind.

  • Puzzle games

Play puzzle games, crosswords, or Sudoku to stimulate your brain and take a break from routine activities.

  • Learn something new

Explore online resources or tutorials to learn a new skill or hobby, whether it’s drawing, coding, cooking, or playing an instrument.

  • Unplug

Take breaks from social media and screens to give your brain a break from doom-scrolling. Find another activity from these lists to keep you busy!

  • Clean your space

Research has shown that cleaning has several positive effects on mental health. A clear space helps keep a clear mind! Also if you decide to do it on your own, you won’t face the classic “I wanted to clean until my mom told me to… now I don’t anymore.”

Social Self-Care

Social self-care is crucial for our well-being- it’s about building connections and finding your people. Hanging out with friends, chatting with people who get you, or joining clubs or classes that interest you all help create a sense of belonging. It’s not just about having a good time; it’s about feeling supported and understood. Social self-care is that reminder that there’s a community out there that’s got your back!

  • Make plans to see friends

Plan hangouts with your friends to catch up and have a laugh, whether it be going out to the movies, going for coffee or just staying in.

  • Call a loved one

If you aren’t able to see your friends or family in person, be sure to call and check-in with them!

  • Join a drop-in dance or fitness class

If you want some social interaction but don’t want the commitment of having to do an entire course with the same people, join a drop-in dance, art, or fitness class. Any drop-in class will do! If you enjoy it, consider joining a club.

  • Set up a games night

Organize a games night for family and/or friends for some good ol’ family competition.

  • Visit local markets or festivals

Hit up your local markets or festivals, especially during the summer or holiday season to spend time out and about with the community.

  • Practice random acts of kindness

Perform some random acts of kindness to peers, family or strangers. A random compliment, holding the door open or helping someone with a task. Everything good you do comes back to you after all!

Social media breaks

Of course it’s okay to spend some time on your social media or getting some screen time, but be sure to put the screens away to get some in-person interaction and bonding.

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care is about finding meaning and nurturing your inner self. It’s not tied to any specific religion; rather, it’s about exploring your values, beliefs, and what gives your life purpose. Taking time for spiritual self-care, whether through meditation, spending time in nature, journaling, or reflecting, helps you feel more centered and connected. It’s like giving yourself a mental reset, allowing you to find some inner peace and a deeper sense of fulfillment in everyday life life.

  • Connect with nature

Spend time outdoors! Take a walk in nature, sit and observe the sky or simply find a park to sit in to feel grounded and rejuvenated.

  • 10 minute meditation

Meditation can be tricky when you’re first starting out. Set aside 10 minutes out of your day to do a simple meditation. Guided meditation apps are available for iOS and Androids as well as guided YouTube videos. Great way to lessen anxiety and practice mindfulness.

  • Pray/walking prayer

Engaging in prayer or practicing walking prayer can be a deeply spiritual form of self-care. It allows for introspection, connection to your beliefs, and a sense of peace while being present in the moment and appreciating your surroundings!

  • Go to a place of worship

Visiting a place of worship for prayer or reflection can be really nourishing. It offers a sacred space for reflection, connection to faith, and a place to find like-minded people also seeking peace.

  • Dedicate time for self-reflection

Setting aside time for reflection even if it’s just a few minutes is a powerful practice of spiritual self-care. Gaining a deeper understanding of our core values, beliefs and self-awareness helps our personal growth and connection with ourselves.

“Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make time to relax.”

- Matt Haig

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity, especially during this upcoming period of rest and rejuvenation. Incorporating self-care practices, whether it’s finding a simple moment of peace, participating in activities that make you happy, or simply reconnecting with friends and loved ones, can have a profoundly positive effect on our mental and physical health. Give yourself permission to recharge, de-stress and nurture your brain, body and spirit! So, this winter break, let’s make self-care a priority. It’s the best gift you could give yourself to ensure you are returning refreshed and ready to take on 2024!

Balancing Acts: How to Juggle School and Mental Health
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