Once you have been accepted to Keystone School and registered as a student, whether domestic or international, your relationship with our Academic Team and our Guidance Counsellor will begin as you determine your study plan for your time with us.

In today’s post, we sat down with our Guidance Counsellor to ask her some questions about what she services she provides to our students.

What is the role of the guidance counsellor at Keystone School?

My name is Stephanie Guerreiro and I am the Guidance Counsellor at Keystone School. My role is to meet with students on a regular basis, or as needed, to check in on their academic successes and struggles. Together with the students, we will create an individual pathways plan where we will identify the student’s academic goal and create strategies to achieve that goal.

In grade 11, meetings will turn towards postsecondary options, discussing program interests as well as potential school or non-academic pathways.

In grade 12, we will work together on the student’s applications to the various programs and pathways and continue to adapt the student’s study plan if needed.

How can students make an appointment with Keystone’s guidance counsellor?

Students can come visit me in my office at the school anytime, and we can arrange a time for a more in-depth meeting. My Google calendar is also specifically set with appointment spaces that students can take a look at and choose based on their needs and schedule. I also get in touch directly with students to book meetings regularly throughout the year to check in on their progress.

How do you assist with course selection and making the Individual Pathways Plan with students?

The process of selecting courses and creating/revising a student’s Individual Pathways Plan differs by grade. 

In middle school, there are very few options of the courses that students will take; however creating the Individual Pathways Plan is vital to help the student begin to recognize their strengths and interests both academically and in potential extracurriculars. 

The course selection process comes more into play in Grade 9: there is still limited choice as there are many mandatory credits that students working to achieve their OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) must complete; however we would update their Individual Pathways Plan to review the courses that they do take and which ones they are the most successful and show the most interest in.

Going into grade 11 and grade 12 is where the focus on course selection is the most important, as this is when we start looking at potential post-secondary options and the required courses for the programs they are interested in pursuing. Many grade 12 courses require a grade 11 prerequisite course. For example students who are interested in pursuing any STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programs will need to take grade 12 mathematics and usually at least one science course; however to be able to take those courses they must have taken the grade 11 prerequisite.  

How do you assist students with their postsecondary applications?

The process of postsecondary applications ideally begins in grade 11, as during our meetings we explore various programs that the student may be interested in and review the requirements for those programs. The student would be encouraged to do some research on their own to review possible options, as well as discuss them with their families, and then we would meet to update their Individual Pathways Plan. In September of grade 12, we would have a meeting to confirm the courses that are needed for the programs they want to apply to. Then, in various information sessions with all of the grade 12 class, I would introduce the students to the various application websites to be used, including both OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre) and the various college websites in Ontario.  Throughout the application process I meet with students to help them ensure they have updated their information correctly and that they are not missing anything from their applications.   

What support is available for assisting students in finding volunteer opportunities? How can these opportunities translate into future career opportunities for students?

Keystone’s Academic Team is always looking for volunteer opportunities within our community. When we hear about these opportunities we share them with the students either via email, posting to our Canvas platform or during a part of an assembly. These are mostly general volunteer opportunities that have the purpose of helping the students learn the value of helping others and being active members in their community. However, sometimes a student may find that they are interested in learning more about the organization . During our meetings, if the student expresses an interest in learning more, we would pursue how this could turn into a career for them. Alternatively, if an opportunity comes up that I know may be connected to an interest that a student has expressed previously, I directly speak to that student either during our next meeting or during the regular school day.  

Are accommodations available at Keystone for students with special learning styles and needs?

There are accommodations available for all students to ensure that they are as academically successful as possible. The entire Academic Team will work together with parents and the student to identify their needs and come up with appropriate strategies and accommodations. 

How can English language learners get support?

Students who are English language learners can get additional support after school during study hall from the English Department to review work for spelling and grammatical errors. In addition, if a teacher or a parent (or the student themself) expresses that they feel the student would benefit from peer support, we would approach a student who is strong in English to act as a peer mentor to help their classmate. 

How can parents or guardians contact a guidance counsellor?

Parents and guardians are welcome to contact the Academic Team at [email protected] to arrange a meeting with me. 

What resources are available for parents to support their child’s education and well-being?

All of our courses are accessible using Canvas. Parents are encouraged to create a “Parent Observer” account so that they can support their child with their academic work. They are also encouraged to keep in contact with the Academic Team about any concerns they may have. 

We do our utmost to support students every step of the way from the moment they enter Keystone’s doors, and we are so very proud of all the incredible things our students and alumni accomplish in their academic and personal lives!

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