How to set new year’s resolutions for students?

This is a mini-guide to set new year’s resolutions for students. The new year is around the corner and there is always that feeling of starting fresh and having a second chance to be the best version of ourselves.

When we asked our students about what their new year’s resolutions were, there was one common answer: Get better grades and increase the overall average. When we then asked how they plan to do that, again there was a common answer that they wanted to procrastinate less and they wanted to be better organized with upcoming assignments and project deadlines. 

So we thought, we would share a few tips on how to set new year’s resolutions for students.

Set a clear direction then set your goals based on that high-level direction and finally stick to your plan throughout the year. How can we get better at keeping on track and meeting our own expectations of success? The truth is that nobody achieves the goal on willpower alone, we need some tools.

Be Organized

Being organized comes naturally to some and not so naturally to others. Luckily, there are so many tools that can help get organized. Use the calendar to organize your days and future appointments. Include a to-do list in your daily life and write down your goals and everything you have to accomplish. Define the timeline of your goals; make a list of your goals for the year, month and week. Let your “to-do list” do the work for you instead of having to remember all your tasks.

Google Calendar

This is both easy to use on your computer and your phone. (Keystone students, you have access to this with your email address)


This is a FREE list-making application also easy to use both on your computer and on your phone. Although created for teams, it works really well for individuals to keep track of to-dos with features like drag and drop cards and alerts.

Other apps

Check out this review of student-focused apps to help you stay organized.

Beat Procrastination

Once you define your goals, it’s time to follow your plan of action. Work on your self-discipline and train yourself to start the day with the hard job first. Everything in life is made up of habits and you have to turn your goals into habits.

Incorporate good habits in your daily life by starting small, then put in place a routine where you do a bit of the hard work every day. You can start working on it for half an hour and then increase 5 or 10 more minutes each day. In a few days, the tasks will be easier and easier and your good habits will be a part of your routine.

Get Healthier

Don’t forget your mind and body. If those are not well, your entire plan for success will fall apart. Follow the rule of the 3 main components of health which are, a good night’s sleep well, eating well and exercising regularly. Work on your self-development by starting a new hobby or learning a new sport. Walk and do outdoor activities and of course, put aside some quality time to take care of your mind mental health.

As you can see, willingness, organization skills (or good use of the tools mentioned above), and discipline is the key to seeing your plans come out of the paper and solidify them into achievements. Accomplishments happen gradually in life. When we least expect, we realize we’ve already reached the top of the mountain that seemed impossible to climb in the first place.

So go ahead make some resolutions you can actually keep by utilizing all the technology and tools available!

We wish you a happy, healthy, organized new year with minimal procrastinations!

If you want to know more about becoming a student at Keystone, check out student life here.

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